ArqueólogAs: a historical view of gender inequality in the archaeological profession

On the occasion of the celebration of March 8, International Women’s Day, from the ICAC Gender Equality Committee have organized an informative talk, by the GRAP (UB) researcher Margarita Díaz-Andreu-

  • “The ArqueólogAs project: a historical view of gender inequality in the archaeological profession”.
  • Wednesday, March 9, at 12 noon (online)
  • Link to the session (no registration required)

This presentation will offer some of the results obtained in the ArqueólogAs project (ref. PID2019-110748GB-I00, UB) in relation to the origins of gender inequality that women in the archaeological profession still experience today.

Margarita Díaz-Andreu (Ramón Menéndez Pidal National Award 2021) is ICREA Professor at the University of Barcelona. Since her first publications (in the 1990s), she has focused her scientific production on the gender perspective and has also been interested in the history of women in archaeology.

Currently, she is the leading researcher of the Arqueólogas project, from which she is organizing a website with a section called “pioneers”, a compilation of biographies of women born in or before 1950 who played a relevant role in the field of archaeology. Within the framework of the Arqueólogas project, the team is also working on a dissemination publication (featured by 2022) based on the history of women in Spanish archeology.

This is an initiative within the framework of the ICAC Gender Equality Plan and the HRS4R strategy.
ArqueólogAs: a historical view of gender inequality in the archaeological profession

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