
Differences between people offer new opportunities: research and innovation teams diversified are more creative, innovators and make better decisions.

II Gender Equality Plan (2023-2026)
Committee for Gender Equality

The ICAC established the Committee for Gender Equality on October 2017, with the primary aim of ensuring real and effective gender equality in all activity areas of the Institute.


Its mission is to prevent any imbalance, bias or gender conflict detected in any structure, recruitment process or staff promotion, as well as in the activities organized or participated by the Institute.

II Gender Action Plan (2023-2026)

In this document, you can consult the measures provided by the Equality Committee and the diagnostic information collected.

History of activities

Dones amb Empremta

Aquest 2025, des del Comitè d’igualtat i diversitat, impulsem la campanya “Dones amb Empremta”, on el nostre personal destaca la petjada de les dones en la història a través de peces arqueològiques. Els vídeos es publicaran al compte d’Instagram de

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Sexual Harassment Protocol Guide

This guide provides a practical presentation of the ICAC's action protocol against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, gender identity and/or sexual orientation.

ICAC specific publications on gender issues

Los trabajos de las mujeres en el mundo antiguo Cuidado y mantenimiento de la vida

Ana Delgado Hervás, Marina Picazo Gurina

Gynaikes. Mulieres. Mirades sobre la dona a Grècia i a Roma

Zaragoza, Joana; Fortea, Gemma (ed.)

Calendari Dones i Arqueologia 2017

Observatori de la Igualtat de la URV, ICAC

Bibliography about gender

Bibliography about archaeology and gender available at the ICAC’s Documentation Centre and Library

Other resources

We provide you with access to a series of web pages where you can find extensive information on gender inequality.

Members of the Committee

Lydia Gil
Lydia Gil
Lídia Colominas
Lídia Colominas
Alfredo Mayoral
Alfredo Mayoral

Contact us

Plaça d’en Rovellat, s/n · 43003 Tarragona

977 24 91 33


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