The Protocol was approved at the end of December 2020. The first half of 2021 efforts have been put into its application and the implementation of the main prevention measures.
The action is part of the HRS4R strategy of the ICAC and responds to the ICAC willingness to guarantee gender equality and fight against violence and discrimination in the academic and labor spheres.
An institutional commitment
The main objective of this protocol is to prevent conducts of sexual harassment at work that may occur in the ICAC and among the members belonging to the academic and labor community of the Institute, or on the occasion of interpersonal relationships that may be established with it, to act to eradicate them and sanction them, in addition to protecting and accompanying people who have seen their rights violated.
With this Protocol, the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology states its zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, and harassment based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, for which it undertakes to:
- Formally declare and disseminate its rejection of all types of sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, in all its forms or manifestations.
- Promote a culture of prevention against sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation through training, information, and awareness-raising activities for the entire ICAC community.
- Report, investigate and sanction any conduct that may constitute sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
- Give support and advise people who have been subjected to sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
Prevention, detection, action
Prevention, detection, and action: these are the three main working lines. Knowledge and awareness of the need to carry out important changes in attitudes to guarantee the inalienable right to work in a safe and respectful environment.
The Protocol places special emphasis on prevention measures and awareness-raising actions among the ICAC community. The ICAC Equality Committee is the body that leads and coordinates the design and implementation of these measures, ranging from the internal dissemination of the Protocol to the commemoration of international celebrations such as the 11F or 25N.
Practical Guide to the Protocol
In the first semester of 2021, efforts have focused on the development of a Practical Guide to the Protocol and its distribution among ICAC staff so that they are aware of the existence of the Protocol and can make use of it if they need it.